Step 11:
Select a five digit password other than 00000, and use
the above procedure, inserting a number in the flashing
display position until all five numbers are entered.
Step 12:
A SAVE prompt will then appear. If the selected
password is acceptable, press ENTER. If not, press
ZERO/CLEAR to re-enter the password.
After the password is configured, the default password will be
replaced with the new configured password. Once configured, the
factory default password is no longer accessible.
If an incorrect password is entered, the system will display
WRONG. Press the CONFIG key to re-enter the correct password.
Note: If the password is lost or stolen, contact the technical department at
Dwyer Instruments, Inc. to obtain a factory password that will allow the
user to configure a new password.
Step 13:
Press ENTER again to begin calibration.
Step 14:
Press the CONFIG key until the word
CALIBRAT appears.
Step 15:
Press ENTER.
Step 16:
The gage will now display 0.00. Assure that the gage is
not pressurized, and then press ENTER to zero the gage.
Zero calibration is now complete.
Step 17:
The gage will now display the full-scale pressure of the
gage. Utilizing a pressure standard with accuracy 4 times
greater than the DCG, apply the full-scale pressure to the
gage and press ENTER. The full-scale calibration is now
1. If the DCG is not pressurized while calibrating the full-scale pressure, an
ERROR message will be displayed once the ENTER key is pressed. If this
occurs, press the ZERO/CLEAR key to return to the previous screen.
2. ASME B40.7-1998, section recommendations suggest that the
pressure standard is 4 times more accurate than the gage being calibrat-
This feature allows setting the % of span in which the
ZERO/CLEAR key will re-zero the gage. This span is limited to pre-
vent accidental tare of a pressurized gage. The available options
include 5%, 10%, or DISABLD. The factory default setting is 5%.
If DISABLD is selected, the zero key is deactivated and no display
change will occur when the zero key is pushed.
To use the ZERO SP option:
Step 1:
Press the CONFIG key until the word ZERO SP appears.
Step 2:
Press ENTER.
Step 3:
Enter the user defined password. This is the same pass-
word established to access the CONFIG mode in the
Step 4:
Press the CONFIG key to select the desired option.
Step 5:
Press ENTER to finalize the selection.
Note: Selecting the DISABLD option does not disable the CLEAR key func-
tion for the MAX/MIN feature. If the DISABLD option is selected, pressing
the ZERO key will cause the display to read DISABLD for two seconds.
The gage will then revert back to the process measurement.
This feature allows individual CONFIG menu items to be
“locked out.” The default setting ENABLE for all options in the
CONFIG menu.
To use the DISABLE option:
Step 1:
Press the CONFIG key until the word DISABLE appears.
Step 2:
Press ENTER.
Step 3:
Enter the user defined password following the procedure
as described in the CALIBRAT section.
Note: This is the same user password that was defined in the CALIBRAT
Step 4:
Press ENTER.
Step 5:
The first option to appear in the CONFIG menu will now be
Step 6:
To DISABLE the UNITS option, press the CONFIG key until
the word DISABLE appears.
Step 7:
Press the ENTER key to finalize the DISABLE or ENABLE
Step 8:
Proceed through the remaining CONFIG menu items by
pressing the CONFIG key and follow steps 6-8 above.
After final installation of the Dwyer Series DCG Digital Calibration
Gage, no routine maintenance is required. A periodic check of sys-
tem calibration is suggested. These devices are not field repairable
and should be returned if repair is required (field repair should not
be attempted and may void the warranty). Contact customer ser-
vice to receive a Return Goods Authorization (RGA) number before
shipping. Be sure to include a brief description of the problem plus
any relevant application notes.
Bulletin A-34-DCG
Page 4
©Copyright 2005 Dwyer Instruments, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. 3/05 FR# R1-443331-00
Phone: 219/879-8000
P.O. Box 373 • Michigan City, IN 46361 U.S.A.
Fax: 219/872-9057
e-mail: [email protected]
0% or 100%
Gage overpressurized beyond 105% or
underpressurized beyond -5% of range.
Low battery, replace Internal error, call cus-
tomer service for return.
Pressure unit conversion exceeds display res-
olution or gage pressured beyond resolution.
DCG iom 3/17/05 11:23 AM Page 4