Why am I continuing to get condensation
even though my system is on full?
There are two ways of controlling
condensation. Ventilation and heating.
Ensure that you have enough heating so that
the air temperature is at a level that allows it
to hold more moisture.
Why can I hear noises from the DVS system
Air Handling Unit during the day and / or
It is possible that in the dead of night you
may be able to hear a very faint ‘hum’ from
your DVS system from certain rooms in your
house. It is also possible that you may hear it
DVS® offer a wide range of products
DVS, is the oldest established ventilation
company in the country. A wide range of
systems are available to remove the stale,
moisture-laden air from your home and
replace it with fresh, filtered air. As a result
your home is warmer, drier and healthier.
The DVS system has been tested and
proven to reduce the mould and fungal
spores that can be triggers for people with
Asthma. In addition, DVS air filters can
virtually eliminate the pollens and other
airborne particles and irritants that can be
so devastating for people who suffer from
respiratory illnesses.
We sell Pink® Batts® insulation to help
reduce heat loss in winter and heat gain in
summer. PinkFit® is the preferred installer of
Pink® Batts® and will guarantee the Pink®
Batts® insulation has been properly installed.
Pink® Batts® is accepted by the Asthma and
Respiratory Foundation of New Zealand’s
Sensitive Choice programme and is therefore
the perfect solution if you or your family
members suffer from Asthma or respiratory
For more information, contact us on 0800 387 387
or visit our website www.dvs.co.nz
Heat Pumps
A Heat Pump from DVS is today’s safe, easy
and economical way to keep individual rooms
or your whole home comfortable all year
round. You’ll be warm and cosy in winter, and
cool and refreshed in summer.
The award winning Fujitsu heat pumps also
have Asthma NZ approval for a special filter
developed to collect allergens such as minute
dust particles, pollen, pet fur, mite carcasses
and even mould spores from the air.
DVS offer a top quality range of
electronically controlled wall mounted
heaters. Ideal for bedrooms, hallways,
studies and other living areas.
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operating during the day when the system is
in heat recovery mode. If the DVS system is
making ‘clunking’ or ‘clicking’ noises or is very
noisy it may indicate that the Air Handling
Unit is damaged or worn. Please contact us
on 0800 DVS DVS (0800 387 387).
Why do I seem to be getting cooking and
other smells coming back into the house?
Check whether any extract fans are vented
into the roof cavity. If they are please arrange
for a local tradesperson to vent any extract
fans outside the roof space. Or call us - we
may be able to do it for you, or recommend
someone in your area who is experienced at
doing this job.