IP Filter:
It defaults to be off, users can filter the blacklist in the
public website when it’s on. The most filter number is 10;
users can delete the filter rule when click delete button on
right side; MAC Filter:
It defaults to be off, and can filter the blacklist in MAC
address when it’s on. The most filter number is 10; users
can delete the filter rule when click delete button on right
side; Domain Filter:
It defaults to be off, and can filter the blacklist in domain
when it’s on, such as qq.com. The most filter number is
10; users can delete the filter rule when click delete
button on right side;
3.4.9 State
1)State mainly includes device information and running
time of the hardware.
2)The device information mainly includes software
version No., the hardware version No., running time,
product type, manufacturer, and the IMEI No.
Support inquiring of online upgrade package and