Display and Controls
1 Time
2 Week day
3 24 hours daily program
4 Setting Temperature
5 Anti-Frozen symbol
6 Time setting symbol
7 Program setting symbol
8 Holiday symbol
9 Temporary HOLD symbol
10 Manual Override symbol
11 Program AUTO Contril symbol
12 Battery low symbol
13 Confort/Semi-Comfort Setting
14 OFF symbol
15 Economic Setting symbol
16 Temperature Setting symbol
17 COPY feature symbol
18 ROOM temperature symbol
19 Valve actuator UNIT number
Inserting Batteries and Pairing
First take off thermostat control panel from it’s install base and open
the back of the thermostat with a screwdriver. Now you can insert
the batteries.
1 Find the button marked “PAIR” on the control panel’s back (see
picture). Press and hold it 5 seconds. “PAr” will appear on the
display and fl ashing.
2 Now press and hold “OK” for 3 seconds. Thermostat will transmit
pairing signal for 1 minute or till it receive the confi rm pairing si-
gnal from the pairing receiver.
3 After press “OK” button, you should press the receiver’s button
you wanted to start receiver’s pairing procedure.
4 Repeat the procedure for the other thermostat. To disconnect the
thermostat from the contril panel press and holf the button on the
top of the thermostat fpr 10 seconds.
Getting startet
Review each actuators setting
1 Press UNIT to review each actuator’s setting.
2 The Actuator Unit number shown the right bottom corner of LCD