3. Tap Calibrate.
«4 T j b l e t PC Settings
Display (oth er
Configure your pen and touch
Display options
1. G eneiic PnP M onitor on Standard V
Single Touch In p u t Available
j ^ ^ C a l i b r a t e m ^ ^ ^ J |
i r Reset...
Choose the order in w hich your screen rotates.
■V Setup ,,
| |
C an cei
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete screen calibration.
T o provide calibration sam p le s; tap the c ro s sh air each time
lh a l it ap pears on the screen.
Right-click anyw here on the screen to return to th e last
calibration point. P r e s s th e E s c button to c lo s e th e tool. Do
not change yo u r scre e n orientation until you h ave completed
the calibration process.
5. After calibration process is complete, tap Yes to save the calibration data.
D ig itiz e r C a lib r a t io n T o o l
Do you want to save the calibration data?
N o