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MC • Edition 2022.08 • No
. 278 349 R
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FRM 100065 - 100080
FRM 250065 - 250080
Medium Pressure Regulator 10 bar / 25 bar
Karl Dungs GmbH & Co. KG ▪ Karl-Dungs-Platz 1 ▪ D-73660 Urbach/Germany
Certifies herewith that the products named in this overview were subjected to a Type Examination (production type) and meet the
essential safety requirements:
• The Pressure Equipment Safety Regulations, UKSI 2016:1105 (as amended by UKSI 2019: 969)
In the event of an alteration of the equipment not approved by us this declaration loses its validity.
The object of the declaration described above conforms with the relevant legislation.
This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.
Specified requirements of the Type Examination (production type)
DIN EN 334
DIN EN 14382
Term of validity
Approved Body
2016 No. 1105
TUV SUD BABT Unlimited
Octagon House,
Concorde Way, Segensworth North,
Fareham, Hampshire,
PO15 5RL, United Kingdom
Approved Body Number: 0168
Monitoring of the QA system
Conformity process adopted: Module B+D
B.Sc., MBA Simon P. Dungs,
Chief Operating Officer
Urbach, 2022-08-01
3. Declaration of conformity