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Karl Dungs, Inc
524 Apollo Drive,Suite 10 Lino Lakes, MN 55014 U.S.A.
Phone: (651) 792-8912 Fax: (651) 792-8919 E-mail: [email protected]
Enclosure Rating
NEMA Type 4
Maximum Operating Pressure
7 PSI (500 mbar)
Ambient / Fluid Temperature
Versions -2, -3, -5, & -6; -40°F to +140°F; (-40°C to +60°C)
Version -8; -20°F to +140°F; (-30°C to +60°C)
Materials in contact with Gas
Housing: aluminum & steel; Diaphragm: NBR-based rubber
UL Listed: File #. MH 16628
CSA Certified: File # 201527
FM Approved: Report J.I. 1Y9A9.AF
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Approved Product
Approval code G3-0106-191
GAO-A2, GMH-A2, and GML-A2
Gas Pressure Switch
Installation Instructions
High/low ventless gas pressure switch (SPDT) with automatic or manual reset. Includes visual indication of switch position.
Mounts directly to various ports on the SV, DMV and MB series valves and FRI series regulators.
Gxx_A2 Installation Manual - P/N 80111 - Ed. 01/09
Natural gas, propane, butane, air and other noncorrosive
gases. Suitable for up to 0.1% by volume, dry H
Switch action
GAO: high/low limit, NC breaks on rise, automatic reset
GMH: high limit, NC breaks on rise, manual reset
GML: low limit, NO breaks on fall, manual reset
Switch Type and Contact Rating
SPDT; 10 A res., 8 FLA, 48 LRA @120 Vac
Vent Limiter
Incorporates a vent limiter as per UL 353 and limits the
escape of gas less than 1.0 CFH of natural gas at 7 PSI if
internal switch diaphragm rupture.
Electrical Connection
1/2” NPT conduit connection via screw terminals
• Read these instructions carefully.
• Failure to follow them and/or improper installation may
cause explosion, property damage and injuries.
• Installation must be done with the supervision of a
licensed burner technician.
• Check the ratings in the specifications to make sure that
they are suitable for your application.
• Never perform work if gas pressure or power is applied,
or in the presence of an open flame.
• Ensure that the switch is not subjected to vibration during
• Once installed, perform a complete checkout including
leak testing.
• Label all wires prior to disconnection when servicing.
Wiring errors can cause improper and dangerous
• Verify proper operation after servicing.
• The system must be installed, used, and maintaned to
meet all applicable national and local code requirements
such as but not limited to NFPA 85, NFPA 86, UL 795,
CSD-1, ANSI Z83.4, ANSI Z83.18, ANSI Z21.13, and
CSA B149.3.