The fuse is located in the cap of the fuse holder. If the fuse fails, it
must be replaced with one that provides proper current protection or you will void the
warranty. The proper fuse rating for the 110-120 v.a.c. Convertible amp is 5A 250V slo
Before removing the fuse cap, UNPLUG THE POWER CORD FROM THE WALL A.C.
OUTLET. After checking the fuse and replacing the fuse cap, you can plug the amp back
into the wall.
To remove the fuse cap, simply grasp the cap with your fingers, push in, and turn
counter-clockwise. To replace the cap, grasp the cap with your fingers, push in, and turn
Fuses do not wear out; they do not deteriorate with age. Fuses are protection devices
that prevent the electronics from damage if there is a serious electrical problem. If your
amp repeatedly has fuse failures, check page under "Fuse Failure" for troubleshooting
This switch is designed to turn your amp on and to
allow you reverse the a.c. polarity. If you're picking up 60 hz hum from the wall current,
put the "ON" switch in the other "ON" position. If you're using other equipment like a P.A.
and you get a shock when touching the microphone, place the "ON" switch in the other
"ON" position to eliminate the shock. The middle position is "OFF".
Use this switch when you will not use the amp for a short time period (like
in-between sets). This switch turns off the sound output but keeps the tubes warm and
ready to play.
Standby switches are important on tube amps because the tubes wear out quickest from
temperature change. When the amp is off, the tubes will cool, when they're on, they get
hot. Standby keeps them in operation so they stay warm and give you long life. Because
of the high gain circuitry in your amp, it is normal to hear some residual noise through
your speaker for one minute after switching into "Standby".