Geelseweg, 80 | 2250 | Olen | BELGIUM | Tel. +32 (0) 14 25 92 83 | henry.dumor@hotmail.com | www.dumor.be
is available in 2 sizes, 350, 360, 460, 650 and 660mm and can be used in several configurations.
keep about 1M of free space behind the machine for the product to run out.
To let the product bunch up will destroy the laminate !
From the roll of pet or bopp film.
Transfer Guilding also known as Sheening or Sle-king.
Cold / warm pressure sealing using pressure sensitive film (requires rewinder version).
Hot double sided lamination.
Hot single sided lamination.
• 2 roll unwinders, upper and lower, each with the possibility of several mandrel sizes (usually 1/2/3 Inches)
• Brakes for each unwinder to keep the web tension and to eliminate web wrinkles.
• On the 350 RW only : a paper rewinder for taking up the paper used as a backing for sticky film or Sheening.
• 2 floating tension rollers to tension the film web.
• 2 pressure rollers that can be warm or cold individually selectable.
• 2 traction rollers.
• Cooling fans at the outfeed. (350 + 650)
• Cross cutter bar. (350 + 650)
• A pressure lever.
• A control panel.
• A single side switch.
• An adjustable infeed side guide.
• Film perfing wheel to aid in bursting.
• Decurling system with lever to raise and lower the de curler system.
• Decurler with bar and tension roller
• Guard : note if the guard is not engaged and the locking pins are not fully home the unit will not heat up or run !!!