Issue 04
Düker GmbH
– www.dueker.de
page 3
1 Intended use
After the installation into a pipeline, butterfly valves are only intended for stopping or allowing media to
pass within the range of the permitted operating conditions (temperature and pressure limit "PN" labeling on
the valve, unless stated otherwise).
These valves are preferably intended for liquid media, such as drinking water or gas. Any deviating operat-
ing conditions or areas of application are subject to manufacturer approval.
We will not assume any responsibility for consequential damage caused by
unauthorized modification of the valve and the accessories supplied
improper operating or operating conditions
acts of god
To control in continuous operation shut-off valves are not usable.
Cavitation is definitely to be avoided.
2 Safety precautions
2.1 General safety instructions
The safety regulations applicable to valves are the same as those for the pipeline in which they are installed.
These instructions only specify those safety instructions which have to be additionally noted and observed for
2.2 Safety instructions for the owner/operator
The owner/operator of the valve is responsible to ensure that the valve is only used as intended.
It is not in the responsibility of the manufacturer. Only competent persons, with suitable qualifications for
pressure pipes, operate and service the valve.