Installation and Operation of Product Holding Cabinets
salt on the surface. Many foods are acidic. Salt
contains chloride.
For routine cleaning, use warm water, mild soap or
detergent and a sponge or soft cloth.
For heavy-duty cleaning, use warm water, a degreaser
and a plastic, stainless steel or Scotch-Brite pad.
Always rinse thoroughly. Always rub gently in the
direction of the steel grain.
Preserving & Restoring
Special stainless steel polishing cleaners can preserve
and restore the protective film.
Preserve the life of stainless steel with a regular
application of a high quality stainless steel polishing
cleaner as a final step to daily cleaning.
If signs of breakdown appear, restore the stainless
steel surface. First, thoroughly clean, rinse and dry the
surface. Then, on a daily basis, apply a high-quality
stainless steel polish according to manufacturer’s
Heat Tint
Darkened areas, called heat tint, may appear on
stainless steel exposed to excessive heat, which causes
the protective film to thicken. It is unsightly but is not a
sign of permanent damage.
To remove heat tint, follow the routine cleaning
procedure. Stubborn heat tint will require heavy-duty
To reduce heat tint, limit the exposure of equipment
to excessive heat.
1. Status LEDs: Used for indicating status of pan.
a. Non-Illuminated
I. Timer is Inactive - no product in pan,
II. Timer is Active - product in pan – use
pan with GREEN STATUS LED first.
b. Green = Timer is Active - product in pan
(use first)
c. Flashing Green = Cook Warning Time
reached (cook more product) or keyboard
in EDIT MODE (programming).
2. Arrow Buttons
a. Used for Starting/Stopping/Resetting
b. Used for Programming.
c. Indicate which pan the adjacent Status
LED and Pan Display are linked to (i.e.
Status LED and Pan Display on left side
of keyboard are linked to the pan above
the keyboard and the Status LED and Pan
Display on right side of keyboard are linked
to the pan below).
3. Pan Display
a. Displays Product Name and Hold Time
Remaining (alternates between the two
when Timer is active).
4. Enter Button
a. Used for Time Decrement and Programming.
Power Up
1. Place the Power Switch in the ON position. Software
initializes at startup.