You want to delete the PowerPoint add-in registration. (PPTC 2.0)
Check Points
Installing this projector software when Microsoft
PowerPoint 2000/2002 has already been
installed on the personal computer, will result in
the automatic registration of the add-in to
Please see the PowerPoint Help function for the
method of deleting PowerPoint add-in registra-
The PowerPoint add-in registration will not be
deleted even when this projector software is
Projection to the screen is not possible when using the LAN
environment. (DIU 2.0, IEU 1.0)
Check Points
Have LAN cards (i.e., adapters) been put into
both the personal computer and the projector?
Put LAN cards (i.e., adapters) into both the
personal computer and the projector.
Have the LAN settings (for both the personal
computer and the projector) been completed?
Perform the LAN settings for both the personal
computer and the projector.
Are a wired LAN and a wireless LAN being used
simultaneously with the same personal com-
Please cancel either one of the LAN connections.
When a built-in type is used, set it to "not used"
under Properties.
Image Express Utility 1.0 does not support the following:
(1) Software using Direct X
(2) MS-DOS screens
(3) Microsoft Office assistant
(4) IME
(5) When starting a moving video application first or using some computer’s environments, sending a
moving video image may not be possible.
Operation of this projector software becomes unstable.
(DIU 2.0, IEU 1.0)
Check Points
When the network settings of the projector or
personal computer are changed while this
projector software (i.e., Dynamic Image Utility 2.0
or Image Express Utility 1.0) is starting or
running, the operation of the projector software
may become unstable.
Please restart the projector and the personal
computer. When changes are to be made to the
network settings, exit the projector software
before making the changes.
An application error occurs under Image Express
Utility 1.0 when the screen resolution is changed
during Continuous Transmit.
When changes are to be made to the screen
resolution, exit Image Express Utility 1.0 before
making the changes.
5. Troubleshooting
On the LT260K and LT240K, images cannot be
sent from the “Dynamic Image Utility 2.0” on a
PC to the projector on the Continuous Transmit
of the Image Express Utility 1.0.
Quit the Continuous Transmmit in the Image
Express Utility 1.0 and then send the image from
Dynamic Image Utility 2.0.