Important Information
Disposing of your used product
In the European Union
EU-wide legislation as implemented in each Member State requires that used electrical
and electronic products carrying the mark (left) must be disposed of separately from
normal household waste. This includes projectors and their electrical accessories. When
you dispose of such products, please follow the guidance of your local authority and/or
ask the shop where you purchased the product.
After collecting the used products, they are reused and recycled in a proper way. This
effort will help us reduce the wastes as well as the negative impact to the human health
and the environment at the minimum level.
The mark on the electrical and electronic products only applies to the current European
Union Member States.
Outside the European Union
If you wish to dispose of used electrical and electronic products outside the European
union, please contact your local authority and ask for the correct method of disposal.
For EU: The crossed-out wheeled bin implies that used batteries should not be put to
the general household waste! There is a separate collection system for used batteries,
to allow proper treatment and recycling in accordance with legislation.
According the EU directive 2006/66/EC, the battery can’t be disposed improperly. The battery
shall be separated to collect by local service.
(for Germany only)
Machine Noise Information Regulation - 3. GPSGV,
The highest sound pressure level is less than 70 dB (A) in accordance with EN ISO 7779.
Information of the AUDIO OUT mini jack
The AUDIO OUT mini jack does not support earphone/headphone terminal.