B efore you begin the installation of your
DUB Edition
series amp remember, there
are two ways to do things – right and twice! Use the proper installation
techniques, tools and accessories to ensure that
o DUB Edition
amp will put out all the power it was designed to. If necessary, seek a
professional installer to have the amplifier installed correctly. Most mobile amp
installations do not have the proper gauge wire for power and ground – do not
let your amp be a victim of this common installation oversight!
N O T E : T h is d evice is a h igh - p ow er aud io am p l ifier intend ed for
ins tal l ation in veh icl es w ith a 1 2 - V ol t negative ground el ectrical s ys tem .
A ttem p ting to connect or op erate th e am p l ifier w ith anoth er typ e of
el ectrical s ys tem m ay caus e d am age to th e am p l ifier or th e el ectrical
s ys tem .
I ns tal l ation A s s is tance
F or installation assistance, call 1-8 00-3 23 -4 8 15 during normal business hours,
or visit www.j ensen.com at any time.
Sup p l ies and T ool s N eed ed
To install the amplifier, you will need tools, supplies and adapters. It is best to
make sure you have everything you need before you start.
B lack electrical tape
Amplifier Installation K it
Cordless drill with assortment of bits
F lat-head and Philips screwdrivers
Wire cutters/ strippers
Crimping tool
12-volt test light or digital multimeter
Wire brush, sandpaper or scraping tool (ground connection to vehicle should
be a clean, unpainted metal surface)
D is connect Battery
D isconnect the negative (-) battery cable before starting the installation. Check
the battery ground (there should be two (2) ground wires coming from the
battery – one going to the starter mounting bolt or engine block and another
going to the vehicle chassis) and make sure the battery is grounded to the
chassis with at least a #
gauge wire. Also check the alternator connections,
making sure they are tight and free from corrosion, rust or dirt.
L ocation and M ounting
The amplifier’s compact design allows great flexibility in mounting. Common
mounting locations include under the front passenger seat or in the trunk area.
When selecting a location, remember that amplifiers generate heat. Select a
location on a flat surface away from heat and moisture where air can circulate
around the amplifier.
Place the amplifier in the mounting location and mark the positions of the holes
with a marker, pen or pencil. Carefully drill the mounting holes in the marked
positions, then use the supplied mounting screws to securely fasten the
amplifier to the mounting surface.
WA R N I N G : D o not cover th e am p l ifier w ith carp ets or encl os e it b eh ind
interior trim p anel s , and d o not m ount th e am p l ifier in an inverted or
up s id e d ow n configuration. Be s ure th e m ounting l ocation and th e
d ril l ing of p il ot h ol es w il l not d am age any w ires , control cab l es , fuel
l ines , fuel tank s , h yd raul ic l ines or oth er veh icl e s ys tem s or com p onents .
R outing Wires
Proper wiring connections are illustrated on the following pages. If wiring
connections are made incorrectly, the unit will not operate properly and could
become permanently damaged. F ollow the installation instructions carefully, or
have the amplifier installed by an experienced technician.
DUB Edition Amplifiers
Содержание DUBa11000D
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