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Trim system
● First please trim model directly on your transmitter in gyro off
mode. But if transmitter trim is too large, please zero the trim and
adjust the model by changing the length of the linkage between
the servo arm and the control horn.
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● Do not directly switch to Aerobatic mode after trimming in gyro
off mode, you need to land the plane and power on your plane
● There is no need to trim in Aerobatic mode if last step finished.
FC120 Setting
● How to enter Setting Mode:
Turn on the transmitter, move the
throttle to its minimum; power on the model, wait until the L1
green LED ends flashing; Long Press “SET” button (2sec) to
enter Setting Mode. After that, L1 displays the corresponding
SETTING ITEM and L2 shows the corresponding SETTING
● Test transmitter moving direction. Move the sticks (except the
throttle) to see if each control surface is working rightly.
Pitch & Elevator Movement
Yaw & Rudder Movement