Страница 1: ...your purchasingof this excellentalmost ready to fly R C model This ARF adoptsthe latest 3D design featuresand emphasizes high performance light weight and fun The plane is designedby professional eng...
Страница 2: ...rSystem please usethisrecommended electric motor 6 Alwayskeepthismanual whichwill behelpfulduringassembly Features o Light weightconstruction o PVC canopyassembly o High structural strength O Latestst...
Страница 3: ...Felt tipped penor pencil o Measuring device e g rLrler tapemcasure O Mixingsticksfor epoxy O Paper towels BeforestartingAssembly Beforebeginning the assernbly of thesemodels thoroughlyinspect the fus...
Страница 4: ...t r j a Removethe coveringover the mountinghole for the control hornwith hobbyknife O Insertthecontrolhorninto slotandfix it with slue O Measure thelinkagelengthandcut it to anappropriate length Inst...
Страница 5: ...ly whichhavebeeninstalledin the landinggear olate Note Usethreadlock whenattachingall nutsto boltsduring assembly o o o a Putthewheelpantontolandinggear parallelthewheelpantto fuselage Measure theloca...
Страница 6: ...the elevatorandthenapplythin CA to secure stabilizer a Insert the elevatorsconnectorfor the elevatorhalves Each hingemustbe inserted to theirrespective hingeslotin thestabili zer Secure theelevatorcon...
Страница 7: ...th theaftendof thefusclage Ensurc theverticalfinandhorizontal stabrlizer are at 90 degrees Verify this by usinga sqLlare placedon the horizontalstabilizer and aligning thesquare withtheverticalstabili...
Страница 8: ...lue o Elevator RudderServos Installation o If you usemini serv installthelongservoarm dual highperformance madeof carbonfiber ontotheservoofrudder O Install the linkagestopperfirmly we adviseyou to us...
Страница 9: ...allthe long servoarm single high performance made ofcarbonfiber ontotheservoofrudder o Installthelinkagestopper firmly with thethreadlock O Connectelevatorservowith a 24 servoextension either tie the...
Страница 10: ...ropof thread lockonthemounting bolts CAUTION Tighten firmly but don t crushtheplate be over tight being careful not to O MounttheESC O Plugthc bullet themotor w i t h n y l o nc a b l et i e s connect...
Страница 11: ...spinner which can be broken at high speedand cancause serious damage to bodyandproperty pleasemake surenot to squeeze it there are O Bindthebattery in placewithVelcro O Connect servos andESCto receive...
Страница 12: ...at theright location now you can connect thepowerandplacethehatch O The magnetstherecan t lock the hatch in placecompletely you needto secureit by usingthe screws Adjust the arrcraft and makesurebotho...
Страница 13: ...liable 3 Add someweightin eitherof wingtipto balance theleftandrightwings Poweron to trim your plane 1 Range checktheradio testwhether themotoris runningor not 2 Ensure thatthe servosandcontrolsurface...
Страница 14: ...themodel Runthemotor at high speed about30min check theESC Batteries andmotorandmakesure thetemperature is belowtheprescription of manufacturer Once everything is risht ood luck Hsve fun o fr7 Z EEEs...