DE-630 Hardware User’s Guide
Version : 1.1 DUALi Inc.
Description of main Module
CPU: 32bit RISC ARM core CPU, It is stm32f103 which is ARM-based 32-bit MCU
with Flash. This CPU has 256Kbyte Flash memory, 48Kbyte SRAM.
MFRC531 RF IC: This RF IC can control RF card like MIFARE card, type A/B card
RS-232 Driver: It’s a Communication part for RS-232 communication.
RS-285 Driver: It’s a Communication part for RS-485 communication.
SAM part: It can control 4 SAMs. And each slot can be operated independently.
LED: It has 4 LEDs to display status of communication and card process.
LCD : DE-630 has 128*64 graphic LCD Module
Battery: It maintains RTC and battery backup SRAM while power is not supplied.
Tamper switch: Erase security memory when case is opened.
Nor Flash: optional flash memory for non-volatile data.
PSRAM: optional SRAM for user memory.