Media Compatibility
The following types of discs/files are not compatible:
• MP3 PRO format, MP3 playlists
• RMP format
• WAV format
• WMV format
• WMA format
• AAC, protected AAC, M4A format
MP3 playback sequence begins in the root folder of the USB flash drive or
SD card. Any empty folders or folders that do not include MP3/JPG files are
ISO9660 standards:
• Maximum nested folder depth is 8 (including the root folder).
• Valid characters for folder/file names are letters A-Z (all caps), numbers
0-9, and “_” (underscore). Some characters may not be displayed correctly,
depending on the character type.
• This device can play back files in Joliet and other standards that conform
to ISO9660. MP3 written in the formats other than the above may not play
and/or their file names or folder names may not be displayed properly.
Some files may not play or be displayed correctly, depending on sampling
rates and bit rates.
For best results, use the following settings when ripping MP3 files:
128kbps or higher constant bit rate
44.1kHz or higher sampling frequency
Media Compatibility
Playback Order
Compatible Recording Formats