The Complex-Oscillator is a dual oscillator with
internal Frequency Modulation and Amplitude
Modulation routings. The range is from 0.2Hz -
2093Hz and can be used for audio, low frequency
modulation and audio rate modulation.
OSC1 is a sinewave with an integrated cosine
wavefolder. It has dedicated knobs for pitch
(OSC1), wavefolding(FOLD) and Frequency
Modulation from OSC2(FMI).
OSC2 is a sawtooth generator that can produce
three sawtooth waves slightly detuned from each
other. It has dedicated knobs for controlling
pitch(OSC2), the amount of detune between the
waveforms(WIDTH) and the Amplitude Modulation
from OSC1(AMI).
OSC1 - inlet for controlling the pitch of Oscillator 1. The OSC1 knob becomes an offset
control when the the parameter is being modulated.
FOLD - inlet for modulating the fold amount of Oscillator 1's wavefolder. The FOLD knob
becomes an offset control when the parameter is being modulated.
FMI - inlet for modulating the amount of Frequency Modulation being sent from OSC2.
The FMI knob becomes an offset control when the parameter is being modulated.
OSC2 - inlet for controlling the pitch of Oscillator 2. The OSC2 knob becomes an offset
control when the the parameter is being modulated.
WIDTH - inlet for modulating the amount of detuning on Oscillator 2. The WIDTH knob
becomes an offset control when the parameter is being modulated.
AMI - inlet for modulating the amount of Amplitude Modulation being sent from OSC1. The
AMI knob becomes an offset control when the parameter is being modulated.
OSC1-OUT - Oscillator 1 output
OSC2-OUT - Oscillator 2 output
SUM-OUT - Oscillator 1 and Oscillator 2 mixed together