Indicator Flashing Red
If Robot is stuck, free it and start in a new
location. Clean Robot’s side wheels of hair and
debris. Push the wheels in and out, and check
that they both turn freely.
Robot is stuck.
Two beeps
Restart cleaning in a new location.
Robot is stuck and one of the
wheels is not making contact with
the floor(hanging in mid-air).
Robot may be in an extremely
large room and the bumper is not
registering obstacles.
One beep
If Robot is hanging over a drop, or on a dark
surface, start in a new location. Otherwise, wipe
its cliff sensors with a dry cloth.
Robot’s cliff sensors are dirty, it
is hanging over a drop, or it is
stuck on a dark surface.
Three beeps
Ensure there are no obstacles in front of the
Charging Dock or starting position. Wipe the
Charging contacts on both the Charging Dock
and robot with a clean, dry cloth.
Robot cannot return to its
Charging Dock or starting position.
Four beeps
Indicator Flashing Red
Robot Blinks and Says
Likely Cause
What to Do