Connect the positive side of any alarm warning device to
BELL+, the negative side to BELL–. Please note that the Bell
output is protected: if too much current is drawn from these ter-
minals (such as a wiring short), the panel will shut down the out-
put. Two amps can be drawn for short periods only.
The Bell output is supervised
and power limited by 2A
PTC. If an alarm warning
device is connected to the bell
terminals, a termination resis-
tor is not necessary. If no
alarm warning devices are in
use, connect a 1000
across BELL+ and BELL– to prevent a Bell Circuit Trouble
from being generated. For more information, please refer
Keybus Terminals – AUX+, AUX-, YEL, GRN
The Keybus is used by the panel to communicate with modules
and vice versa. Each module has four Keybus terminals that
must be connected to the four Keybus terminals on the panel.
For more information, see Section 2.4 Keybus Operation and
Programmable Output Terminals –
PGM 1 and PGM 2
Each PGM output is designed so that when activated by the
panel, the terminal will switch to ground.
PGM 1 can provide up to 50mA. Con-
nect the positive side of the LED or
buzzer to AUX+, the negative side to
PGM 1. PGM 2 can provide up to
300mA current-limited switched pro-
grammable output. If more than 50 mA
of current are required, a relay must be
used. Please study PGM wiring in the
accompanying diagram. Two-wire
smoke detectors (90mA current lim-
ited) are supported using PGM 2.
For a list, please see the section on
For UL installations, use only UL-listed relays.
Zone Input Terminals – Z1 to Z4
Each detection device must be connected to a zone on the con-
trol panel. It is suggested that one detection device be connected
to each zone; wiring multiple detection devices to a single zone,
however, is possible. For zone wiring specifics, please see Sec-
Telephone Line Wiring
Wire the telephone connection terminals (TIP, Ring, T-1, R-1) to
an RJ-31x Connector as indicated. For connection of multiple
devices to the telephone line, wire in the sequence indicated.
Use 26 AWG wire minimum for wiring.
Telephone format is programmed in option [350]. Telephone
Call Directions are programmed in options [351]-
Please ensure that all plugs and jacks meet the dimension, toler-
ance and metallic plating requirements of 47 C.F.R. Part 68,
SubPart F. For proper operation, no other telephone equipment
should be connected between the control panel and the tele-
phone company facilities. Do not connect the alarm panel com-
municator to telephone lines intended for use with a fax
machine. These lines may incorporate a voice filter which dis-
connects the line if anything other than fax signals are detected,
resulting in incomplete transmissions.
Ground Connection
Using an insulated green wire of minimum 22AWG, connect the
EGND terminal from the PCB assembly to the GND Point on the
control panel's cabinet. The GND Point could be any available
hole on the back or on the side of the metal cabinet where the
grounding wire from the EGND terminal on the PCB assembly
and the grounding wire from the building electrical installation
could be attached together as indicated in the wiring diagram on
page v or on the wiring diagram attached to the cabinet.
Wire and installation hardware not included.
2.3 Wire Routing for Power & Non-Power
All wiring entry points are designated by the arrows. All circuits
are classified UL installation power limited except for the bat-
tery leads which are not power limited. A minimum ¼” (7mm)
separation must be maintained at all points between power lim-
ited and non-power limited wiring and connections.
Wire entry for power limited wiring must be separated by
using a different entry access from non-power limited wiring.
2.4 Keybus Operation and Wiring
The Keybus is used by the panel to communicate with all con-
nected modules and vice versa. The red (AUX+) and black
(AUX-) terminals are used to provide power, while the yellow
(YEL) and green (GRN) terminals are clock and data respec-
The four Keybus terminals of the panel must be connected
to the four Keybus terminals or wires of all modules.
The following restrictions apply to Keybus wiring:
Keybus should be run in minimum 22 AWG quad (0.5mm),
maximum 18 AWG; two pair twist is preferred.
The modules can be home-run to the panel, connected in
series or T-tapped, provided that the maximum wire dis-
tance from the control panel to any module does not exceed
1,000' (305m).
Any module can be connected anywhere along the Keybus.
You do not need to run a separate Keybus wire for keypads
Depending on a module's current draw, there may be addi-
tional limitations of the wire run length of power and ground.
Shielded wire should not be used.