Display Alarm Memory
Alarms generated while the system is armed are recorded in the system’s memory. To display the zones that
went into alarm, enter [
][3]. The “Memory” light will FLASH, and the zones that went into alarm will be
displayed on the Zone Lights. Note that the Alarm Memory will be cleared the next time the system is armed.
The LCD600 Keypad will display messages while Alarm Memory is viewed. Refer to
Page 20 for instructions on displaying Alarm Memory with the LCD600 Keypad.
Display Trouble Conditions
The PC2580 constantly monitors itself to ensure proper operation. When a condition occurs that could
affect operation, the “Trouble” light will come ON and the keypad will sound two short beeps every 10
seconds to warn of the trouble condition.
To silence the sounder, press the [#] Key. The keypad will be silenced, but the “Trouble” light will remain
ON until the trouble condition is cleared. To display the trouble conditions, enter [
][2]. Trouble conditions
are represented with the Zone Lights; if a Zone Light comes ON, then that trouble condition is present:
The LCD600 Keypad will display messages while trouble conditions are displayed. Refer
to Page 20 for instructions on displaying trouble conditions with the LCD600 Keypad.
Zone Light
What To Do
Battery Trouble
Battery is low or disconnected
Call for service
Mains AC Failure
Mains AC power is out
Check your fusebox or circuit
breakers; call for service if
the trouble condition cannot
be corrected
Keypad Tamper
A keypad was removed from
Call for service
its mounting plate
Telephone Line
Problem with the telephone line
Call for service if trouble
does not correct itself
The system cannot communciate
Call for service if trouble
with the monitoring station
does not correct itself
Bell Circuit Trouble
Problem with bell fuse or wiring
Call for service
Smoke Detector
Problem with smoke
Call for service immediately
detector circuit
Loss of Time
System clock needs to be reset
Call for service
Note that the keypad sounder will
beep for Mains AC Failure until there is also a Low Battery
Trouble is present. For Mains AC Failure, the “Trouble” light will come ON as soon as the mains fails
and will remain ON until power is restored.
Changing Access Codes
The PC2580 features 16 programmable Access Codes. The first code is the Master Code, and the
remaining 15 codes are normal Access Codes.
Programming Access Codes:
Enter [
][5][Master Code]; the “Program” light will FLASH. The Zone
Lights will indicate which Access Codes from 1 to 8 have been programmed, and which Access Code is
presently being programmed:
Zone Light is...
Access Code is...
not programmed
ON steady
presently being programmed
When the [
][5][Master Code] command is entered, Zone Light 1 will be ON to indicate that the Master
Code is already programmed.
Changing or Adding a Code:
To change the Master Code or Access Codes 1 through 8, enter the number
of the code to be changed; the corresponding Zone Light will begin to FLASH. For example, enter [1] to
change the Master Code, or enter [2] to change Access Code 2, and so on.
With the desired Zone Light flashing, enter a new 4-digit Access Code. Do not press [
] or [#] when
entering the code. If an existing code is being changed, the new code will replace the old one. After the
code is entered, the keypad will beep 3 times and the Zone Light will stop flashing and remain ON.
If you want to program another code, press the number Key for the code to be programmed, and enter the
new 4-digit code as described above.
To program Access Codes 9 through 16, press [9]; the “Ready”, “Armed” and “Program” lights will FLASH
to indicate that Access Codes 9 through 16 are being displayed on the Zone Lights. Select an Access Code
by pressing a number from [1] to [8], and program the new code as described above.
When all desired changes are complete, press the [#] Key to return to “Ready”.
Erasing a Code:
To erase a code, enter [
][5][Master Code] (and press [9] to select a code from 9
through 16). Enter the number of the code to be erased; the Zone Light for the code will FLASH. Enter
] to erase the Access Code. When all desired changes are complete, press the [#] Key to return to
Do not erase the Master Code. If the Master Code is accidentally erased, contact your
installing company for assistance.
The LCD600 Keypad will display messages while programming Access Codes. Refer to
Page 21 for instructions on programming Access Codes with the LCD600 Keypad.