Chapter 4.0 Setting the Alarm System
4.0 Setting the Alarm System
4.1 Alarm System Setting Methods
The PowerSeries Neo system is capable of completing the full alarm system setting procedure using
one of the following methods:
push button switch mounted outside the supervised premises; or
protective switch (i.e., door contact) fitted to the final exit door of the alarmed premises
or area.
The setting procedure is a two-stage process that consists of initiating the alarm setting procedure
within the supervised premises (e.g., using a prox tag or user code) followed by completion
of setting by one of the two methods mentioned above. Please check with the installer which method
has been enabled for your system.
4.2 Setting the System (Infinite Exit Delay)
In an attempt to reduce false alarms, your system is designed to notify you of an improper exit when
setting the system. When using the Push to Set, or Final Door Set feature, attempting to set your sys-
tem will start an infinite exit delay. The keypad will sound a beep once per second. When you have
opened and closed the final exit door, or after pressing the Push to Set button, the exit delay will be
reduced to a programmable value, which is typically 10 seconds, after which the alarm will com-
plete the setting. The panel used this time period to allow time for the detectors on the system to
return to their normal state. When this time expires, the system checks for detectors/windows/doors
that may be open. If any of these are open, the panel will cancel the setting. If this occurs, you must
re-enter the premises, check the system, close any open zones, and then attempt to set again.
4.3 Away Setting the System with the Keypad
Away mode activates the complete alarm system by:
Setting all perimeter sensors.
Setting all interior sensors.
To Set the System in Away Mode
LCD Display
Ensure all windows and doors are closed and that the Ready
indicator is on.
JAN 02/13
To set using the Away key
, press and hold the Away key
for 2 seconds and, if required, enter your [access code] or
present your proximity tag.
To Quick Set the system press [*][0].
System is
Ready to Arm
Present Tag or
Enter Code
If zones have been bypassed, ICN or LED keypads bypass
will light and the bypassed zones #s will be shown.
On an LCD keypad a warning appears.
* Warning *
Bypass Active
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