3.5 Programming Users’ Names, Telephone
Numbers, and Codes
To get the PC4850 up and running, you, or the building
staff, will need to program up to four items of informa-
tion for each user:
• Access code (this is the same access code as for the rest
of the system)
• User name (the user name will be displayed on the
PC4850 LCD display so that visitors can find the user
to call him or her)
• User telephone number, or line number for the No-Bill
option (so that the system can call the user when there
is a visitor)
• Tenant code (optional - building staff can post a list of
tenant codes for visitors to enter on the keypad to call
For visitors to be able to call a user, you must program a
telephone number, or telephone line number (if using the
No Bill option) for each user name.
Make copies of the Tenant Information Record Sheet on
page 11 to record user information.
To Program User Information:
1. At a system keypad, enter [*][5] followed by a [Mas-
ter Code].
2. The keypad displays:
Select (0) < >
User No. Search
Press [0] or [*].
3. The keypad displays:
Sel. Code (0001) < >
User 1
User 1 (Access Code 0001) is the System Master
Code. Use the right arrow (>) key to scroll to the user
you wish to program (for example, User 2). Press [*]
to select the user.
4. The keypad displays:
Select (0) < >
Program Code
This is the Program Code menu. Use the right arrow
(>) key to scroll though each display in the Program
Code menu. To select any menu item for program-
ming, press [*].
Program Code
If users will enter an access code to enter the building or
to use security system functions, program the 4- or 6-
digit access code for each user here.
1. When the keypad displays: “Select (0) Program
Code.” press [0] or [*].
2. The display will indicate “Enter Digits” followed by
“AAAA.” This is the default setting for the access
code. Enter four or six digits for the new code.
3. Press [#]. The display will return to “Select (0) Pro-
gram Code.” The new code has been programmed.
Do not program access codes that can be easily
guessed and will compromise the security of your sys-
tem (e.g., 1111 or 1234).
Edit User Name
You must program a user name for each access code. To
program the user name:
1. From the Program Code menu, use the right arrow
(>) key to scroll to the following display:
Select (2) < >
Edit User Name
2. Press [2] or [*].
3. The display will read “Program Name.” For access
code 0002, the default name will be “User 2.” Enter
the new user name using the number keys in the fol-
lowing manner:
The letters of the alphabet have been divided up
among the 1 to 9 number keys on the keypad as fol-
[1] = A, B, C, 1
[2] = D, E, F, 2
[3] = G, H, I, 3
[4] = J, K, L, 4
[5] = M, N, O, 5
[6] = P, Q, R, 6
[7] = S, T, U, 7
[8] = V, W, X, 8
[9] = Y, Z, 9, 0
[0] = Space
For example, if you press the [4] key once, the letter
“J” will appear above the cursor on the display. Press
the [4] key again, the next letter “K” will appear, and
so on. If a different number key is pressed, the cursor
will automatically move to the right one space. To
erase a character, use the [<] [>] keys to move the cur-
sor under the character, then press the [0] key.
If a user does not want their name listed on
the PC4850 display, but does want to have an access
code, you can put a “!” at the beginning of the user
name. To enter a “!”, press [*], then scroll to the mes-
sage “ASCII Entry”. Press [*], then enter [033*].
4. Once the new name has been entered, press [#]. The
display will return to “Select (2) Edit User Name.”
Access Code Label Options
There are other options available when programming
labels. When programming the label, press the [*] key for
the options menu. Use the arrow (< >) keys to scroll
through each option. Press the [*] key to select. The avail-
able options are:
Clear Display:
Selecting this option will clear the
entire code label.
Clear to End:
This will clear the display from the char-
acter where the cursor was located to the end of the
Change Case
: This will toggle the letter entry between
uppercase and lowercase letters.
ASCII Entry:
is for entering uncommon charac-
ters. Use the arrow (< >) keys to scroll through the
available characters. Each character will be displayed
along with the corresponding 3-digit ASCII number. If
you know the character’s 3-digit number, enter it.
Press the [*] key to enter the character into the code
User Telephone or Telephone Line Number
Program the telephone number for each user. If you are
using the No Bill option, program the 3-digit telephone
line number provided by your telephone company
1. From the Program Code menu, use the right arrow
(>) key to scroll to the following display:
Select (5) < >
Phone Number