S e c t i o n 1 0 : S y s t e m P r o g r a m m i n g
6 7 8 9
11 12
15 16
10.4 Event Messages
The following event messages can be modified from
their default settings to suit the user’s needs. To enter
new labels, enter each character as outlined in “Program-
ming System Labels” on page 14.
These messages will only appear if the [*][6] “Special
Messages” toggle option is enabled by the end user/sys-
tem administrator.
The zone tamper and zone fault messages will be displayed
regardless of the [*][6] Special Messages option setting.
Ref #: [000100]
This message will appear on every keypad on a partition
when a valid code is entered but the partition is not
ready to arm. The message will clear after five seconds.
Ref #: [000101]
This message appears when a partition is disarmed after
an alarm has occurred. The message will be displayed on
all keypads on the partition. The message will clear after
five seconds and display the zone(s) that went into alarm.
4701 2-W SMOKE
Ref #: [000102]
This is the zone label for the 2-wire smoke zone on the
PC4701 fire module.
Ref #: [000103]
This is the zone label for the waterflow zone on the
PC4701 fire module
: If there is more than one of these fire messages to
be displayed at once, the messages will scroll one after
another. Once any fire alarm has been silenced a message
“Fire Bell Has Been Silenced” will be displayed on the par-
tition and global keypads until the partition is armed.
Ref #: [000104]
This message will appear on every partition keypad when
a zone using Double EOL supervision exhibits a tamper.
The message is displayed while viewing open zones.
Ref #: [000105]
This message will appear on every partition keypad
when a zone fault occurs. The message is displayed
while viewing open zones.
10.5 Swinger Shutdown
The swinger shutdown feature is designed to prevent a
runaway communicator from tying up the central station.
Each zone can be programmed to follow, or not follow, the
swinger shutdown programming (see section 5.4 “Zone
Programming - Zone Attributes”). There are two pro-
gramming items related to this feature: the
Swinger Limit
and the
Shutdown 24Hrs
communicator toggle option.
Swinger Limit
Ref #: [00040201]
Enter the number of alarms/tampers/faults the panel
will communicate per zone before communications for
that zone shut down. Valid entries are from 000 to 255.
The default setting of swinger shutdown is 003. Entering
000 in this section will disable swinger shutdown.
Swinger Shutdown Reset Every 24 Hours
Ref #: [000401]
Scroll to the
Shutdown 24Hrs
option. If the
toggle option is enabled, the swinger shutdown
counter will be reset every day at midnight, or when the
partition is armed. The swinger shutdown counters keep
track of how many alarms have occurred on each zone,
shutting them down if they reach their limit. If disabled,
the swinger shutdown counters will only be reset when the
partition is armed. All zone tamper and zone fault swinger
shutdown counters are reset on arming. (Default = No)
10.6 Tampers
Ref #: [000200]
The following system toggle options determine how the
panel will interpret zone tamper conditions. Press [*] to
toggle each option on or off.
Tamper Inhibit
: If enabled, a tampered zone will
always show as open. When this occurs, the user can-
not bypass the zone and arm the system until the
installer’s mode is entered. The message “Arming
Inhibited. Call for Service” will be displayed.
• If disabled, the tamper event will be transmitted but
the zone can be bypassed and the system armed.
(Default = No)
Device Tmp Dis
: If enabled, tampering of wireless
zones will always cause tamper alarms and transmis-
sions whether the system is armed or disarmed. If dis-
abled, wireless zone tampers will create a trouble
condition when the system is disarmed. The zone
tamper will be logged to the event buffer but no
Tamper alarm transmission will occur. The event is
only logged and transmitted when the partition is
armed. (Default = Yes)
Tmp/Flt Opn Zn
: If enabled, an armed zone of any
type that is tampered or faulted will generate an alarm
as well as the tamper or fault condition. If disabled,
tampers and faults will never cause an alarm condi-
tion. (Default = Yes)
10.7 Telephone Line Supervision
Ref #: [000401]
Scroll to the
TLM Enabled
option. The panel will moni-
tor the presence of the telephone line and will indicate a
trouble condition if disconnected. If the
TLM Enabled
option is selected, the system will test for telephone line
faults. The keypads will indicate any faults detected.
(Default = Yes)
If the
TLM Aud Bell
option is selected, the panel will
activate the burg bell outputs when the system is armed
with a TLM trouble present; the panel will indicate a
TLM trouble at the keypad when the system is disarmed.
If the option is disabled, only the keypads will annunci-
ate the trouble, whether the system is armed or dis-
armed. (Default = Yes)
TLM Tbl Delay
will control the number of tele-
phone line monitoring checks required before a tele-
phone line trouble is generated (Ref #: [00040206]). The
panel checks the telephone connection at 10-second
intervals. Valid entries are from 003 to 255 checks. The
default setting is 003.
10.8 Test Transmissions
To ensure that the communication link with the central
station is functioning properly, the panel can be pro-
grammed to send a test transmission signal.
In order to enable test transmissions, the
Periodic Test
must be turned on (Ref #: [000401], scroll to option; Default =
No). The transmission time of day and the number of days
between test transmissions must also be programmed.