Sequence of Operations for Techno Pro 5000
The On/Off switch (Sw1) in the ON position will energize the humidity control Power Module
(PM) that supplies power to the Humidity Control module (HC). When ambient conditions rise above
the factory (adjustable) setting of 40% RH (+4% dif) on the HC module the unit will start operations.
The HC normally open (NO) contact will close and the Compressor; Fan; Defrost Control (DC); and
Hour Meter (Hm) will all be energized.
The compressor circulates refrigerant (R-22) through the coils. The Evaporator coil becomes
cold and causes warm wet ambient air to condense when blown across the cold coil. The Defrost Control
(DC) will initiate a preset (30min) time interval after the remote sensing bulb senses 28 ºF at the
evaporator outlet. When the timer reaches this 30 minute limit it will initiate the timed 10 minute defrost
cycle. When defrost is initiated the DC normally open and normally closed contacts will change
positions. The NO contact will close allowing the Hot Gas solenoid (HG) to be energized, and the NC
contact will open, de-energizing the fan. With the fan off and the HG solenoid energized, hot gas from
the compressor will be circulated through the evaporator coil causing a temperature rise to defrost the
coil. The defrost cycle will continue for the timed 10 minute period or until the suction line at the
evaporator outlet reaches 55 ºF. After the defrost cycle is complete the NO and NC contacts will switch
back to their original positions and the unit will continue with its normal operation. The condensate
pump will collect the condensed moisture in a reservoir for pump out. When the condensate reservoir
fills, an internal float switch will automatically energize the pump for self purge. The condensate pump
can also be energized via the Pump switch (Ps) located next to the ON/OFF Sw1 switch. The condensate
pump can only be energized manually or automatically if the ON/OFF Sw1 switch is in the ON position.
When the HC remote sensor indicates that the conditioned ambient air has reached 40% RH the
HC module is de-energized. The HC-NO contact opens and the compressor; fan; DC; and hour meter are
all de-energized.
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