Exp o rt Co n tro lle d – S e e P a g e 3
Rev D
Page 82 of 234
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
Use the on-screen keyboard (
On -s c re e n Ke yb o a rd
Figure 43) when you don’t want to use ink but you do want to use
the pen, or when you’re using a Tablet Computer without an attached keyboard. Simply tap the
letters on the keyboard to form words. The Input Panel enters the text directly in the field or at
the insertion point of the active program. The on-screen keyboard is especially useful for
entering small amounts of text, such as passwords and file names.
Figure 43. On-Screen Keyboard Mode
You can customize the Input Panel based on your personal preferences, such as automatic text
insertion, changing the ink thickness, and adjusting the amount of space between lines in the
writing area. Click on the
icon to open a submenu and select
Cu s to m izin g th e In p u t P a n e l
There are a number of on-screen keyboards offered by companies other than Microsoft, such as
tEn te rin g Da ta u s in g Oth e r Virtu a l In p u t De vic e s
There are also other types of software and hardware input devices besides virtual keyboards
that can be used for viewing and entering data, such as hand gesture recognition software and
infrared tracking devices.