Our wood stoves are designed so that they will require little maintenance:
- It is wise to perform a visual inspection of the stove approximately once a month, in order to insure that no parts
have been damaged, in which case repairs must be performed without delay.
- If the glass on your stove breaks, you must replace it with one of the same type, namely, a 3\16" (5 mm) thick
ceramic glass; never replace the glass with another material.
- To replace the glass, remove the screws retaining the window moldings inside the door. Then, remove the
moldings and replace the damaged glass with a new one.
- Never wash the windows with a product that may scratch it. Use a specialized product, available in the stores
where wood stoves are sold.
- Windows should be washed only when they are cold.
- It is recommended that you change the fiber ceramic gasket that makes the door on your stove airtight.
Replacement should take place once a year under normal conditions. This is important to insure good control
over the combustion, maximum efficiency, and security. To change your door gasket, simply remove the old
gasket and carefully clean the door groove. Install the new gasket by carefully following the instructions on the
gasket packaging.
IMPORTANT: different models of Drolet wood stoves require different types of gasket.
You need to buy the original gasket supplied by the manufacturer. Avoid low density gasket, which
often comes with liquid glue. Only high temperature silicone should be used. If you need an original
replacement gasket kit, consult your dealer or visit our web site at www.drolet.ca
- You should regularly dispose of the ashes, as soon as they prevent you from placing a normal load of logs. We
recommend that you always leave one to two inches of ashes in the bottom of the stove in order to insure
maximum efficiency.
- Always use a metal container with a lid to save the cooled ashes you remove from the stove. Make sure that
there are no live embers. Moreover, it is important to place the metal container on a non combustible surface.
- Never bang the door and never hit the glass. When you close the door, make sure the logs are placed in such a
way that they do not lean on the glass. Otherwise, someone could open the stove door and cause the burning
logs to fall on the floor.
- It is possible to give your wood stove a brand new look by repainting it with a 1200
F (649
C) heat resistant
paint. For this purpose, simply rub the surface with fine sand paper #180. The closer to the metal you go, the
tougher the paint coat will be. Clean the stove and apply thin coats of paint successively. Remember that upon
ignition of the stove, the new paint will go through a “curing” process and will produce smoke and odors. This is
normal. Leave a window open.