Never use gasoline, gasoline-type lantern fuel, kerosene charcoal lighter fluid or similar
liquids to start or "freshen up" a fire in this heater. Keep all such liquids well away from
the heater while it is in use.
Never use your stove as an incinerator to burn large quantities of light combustibles as
motor oil, naphtha and gasoline. The fire in your stove could easily get out of control and
turn into a chimney fire.
Avoid using green wood for slow combustion. This causes excessive deposits of creosote
and soot in the chimney and could burn out of control when start a fire.
Never use inflammable materials in the immediate surroundings of your stove.
Never touch the sides of your unit during combustion; they become extremely hot.
Keep door closed during operation.
Do not forget to remove the plastic film covering the brass decorative strips of the stove
before heating for the first time.