User Manual
Version 1.2
– USB Dongle
Page 7 of 33
Figure 1: ConBee in detail
How does the USB Dongle work?
The functional parts of the ConBee are shown in a schematic overview in
Figure 2
The USB Dongle will be supplied by the USB 5.0 V domain. Therefore the USB power supply
must be sufficient to support the additional load. An onboard low-drop-out voltage regulator
generates a stable 3.3 V voltage to supply the radio module on the USB Dongle.
The onboard placed radio module deRFmega256-23M12 by dresden elektronik contains an
8-bit AVR microcontroller with an integrated low-power 2.4 GHz transceiver for ZigBee and
IEEE 802.15.4 applications. The ConBee is shipped with bootloader software and pre-
installed ZigBee firmware. Each USB Dongle contains a world-wide unique identifier, named
MAC-ID. It consists of an 8 byte address, including the vendor ID and product ID. The MAC-
ID is stored in the MCU internal EEPROM.
Radio module
Chip antenna
USB connector
Flash (n.a.)
LEDs (n.a.)
UART (n.a.)
JTAG (n.a.)
Button (n.a.)
n.a.: not assembled