SAMPLE RATE selects the required highly accurate
internal crystal controlled dual PLL clock signal. This
can be 44.1, 48, 88.2,96k or EXT which can use an
external Word Clock signal.
EXT WORD CLOCK selects the source for the word
clock (indicated by a yellow LED on the rear panel).
It must be within the range 30kHz to 100kHz. The
signal will be sent to the DC2496 dual PLL for clock
cleaning to reduce distortion that can be caused by
jitter on the clock signals.
The Front panel yellow ‘EXT WORK CLOCK’ LED will
flash quickly if a clock is unstable or will flash slowly
if clock not connected.
Ensure the correct Sample Rate & EXT WORD
CLOCK are selected otherwise a small amount of
distortion on the signal, regular click, pops or a
repeating ‘Zwang’ type sound may occur (this applies
to all digital equipment).
Note: after the sample rate has been changed, the A/
D will require an audio signal for 1 minute to settle
back to its full dynamic range.
Sample Rate / Ext Word Clock
REPLAY TRACK is only lit when ADAT or TDIF
input signal has been selected.
The number of LEDs lit depends on the tracks
being replayed from the multitrack tape recorder:
Normal stereo signals light one LED allowing 4
pairs of stereo signals to be monitored.
When 2 LEDs are lit (only when the tape is
playing) then a Hi-Res triple track has been
detected which will be replayed as stereo output
of 24bits at 48kHz.
When 3 LEDs are lit then a 96 or 88.2kHz ‘Hex’
track has been detected which will be replayed
at 96kHz from the Main digital outputs and D/A
but 48Khz from the Sample Rate Converter digital
outputs and the Multitrack outputs.
If the replay track changes from normal 16/20
bit mode to Hi-Res mode there will be a short
burst of white noise for a couple of hundred mS.
This is due to tracks 3/4 which sound like 0dB
white noise being audible while the DC2496 auto
detects the Hi-Res mode.
Replay Track
between two sets of all
the other button
Select this before
altering any other
GAIN of up to +18dB can
be applied.
Be aware that digital
distortion can occur
whenever gain is applied
therefore the Limiter should
be switched on (see
LIMITER section).
Digital Gain