Battery testing (Only Available on BC8A
Model) (Fig.2)
To use the battery testing facility on the
charger. Firstly ensure the charger is
disconnected from the mains power supply
(230V AC). Connect the positive charging
(RED) to the positive terminal
connection ( or P) on the battery.
Connect the negative charging lead
(BLACK) to the negative terminal on the
battery (marked - or N).
Once this is done the lights on the LED
will indicate the state of the
battery. The number of lights lit will
depend on the condition of the battery (i.e.
if two lights are lit, the battery is at
approximately 25% of its capacity and
needs charging. If four lights are lit, the
battery is at approximately its full capacity).
If your battery requires charging please
refer to the “Charging Your Battery section”
on page 10.
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