ms14 development instruction
Create your own package
You can create your own package following the instruction in
Place the package in source/package directory. And run:
$OPENWRT_PATH/scripts/feeds update
$OPENWRT_PATH/scripts/feeds install -a -p dragino2
To install the package to your openwrt source, remember to use
make menuconfig
in build dir to
select the package you have created.
MAC and Unique Key
MAC address
Each ms14 has been assigned four world-wide unique, continuously MAC address in factory. They
are assigned to
wifi: MAC
eth0: MAC + 2
eth1: MAC +3
The [ MAC+1 ] is reserved for some applications which need two mac in wifi radio.
Unique Key
A 32 bytes random number generated by TRNG is stored in art partition. Address range is 0x100~
A 2016 bytes random number generated by CSPRNG is stored in art partition, Address range is
0x0120 ~ 0x090F.
Those keys can be used for serial control purpose. To ready them, below is an example command
(assume mtd5 is art partition):
#read 16 bytes key from 0x100
hexdump -v -e '1/1 "%.2x"' -s $((0x100)) -n 16 /dev/mtd5