LGT-92 LoRa GPS Tracker User Manual
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How to set up LGT-92 to work with Single Channel Gateway such as
In this case, users need to set LGT-92 to work in ABP mode & transmit in only one frequency.
Assume we have a LG02 working in the frequency 868400000 now, below is the steps. (Video
: Log in TTN, Create an ABP device in the application and input the network session key
(NETSKEY), app session key (APPSKEY) from the device.
Note: user just need to make sure above three keys match, User can change either in TTN or Device to make then
match. In TTN, NETSKEY and APPSKEY can be configured by user in setting page, but Device Addr is generated by
TTN. User can also change the Device ADDR in TTN by using the
Run AT Command to make LGT-92 work in Single frequency & ABP mode. Below is the AT
AT+FDR Reset Parameters to Factory Default, Keys Reserve
AT+NJM=0 Set to ABP mode
AT+ADR=0 Set the Adaptive Data Rate Off
AT+DR=5 Set Data Rate (Set AT+DR=3 for 915 band)
AT+TDC=300000 Set transmit interval to 5 minutes
AT+CHS=868400000 Set transmit frequency to 868.4Mhz
AT+DADDR=26 01 1A F1 Set Device Address to 26 01 1A F1
Reset MCU
As shown in below: