in steam
The valve housing of the Oxylog with de-
mand valve to facilitate spontaneous brea-
thing is not suitable for sterilization.
The cleaned and dried parts of the
patient system can be sterilized in
superheated steam.
The component parts of the PEEP valve
and Volumeter 3000 can be sterilized at
T h e c o m p o n e n t p a r t s o f t h e
rebreathing valve and the ventilation
tubing can be sterilized at 134°C.
The Oxylog
cannot be sterilized.
Plastic and rubber mouldings are to be
disassembled prior to sterilization.
Following sterilization in an autoclave,
the device is to be disassembled as
described under
on Page 8 and subjected to a functional
check as described under
on Page 11.
The device is to be inspected at regular
2 years intervals by trained personnel.
The Oxylog and its accessories are to be
kept dust-free and dry.
Permitted storage conditions:
-20°C to
relative humidity
600-l 200 mbar