Flight Controls and Flight Training
The flight controls used on the Draganflyer operate independently of one another and effect the helicop
ter in different ways. In order to successfully fly the Draganflyer, all of the controls will need to be used
simultaneously. However, we will first review their individual functions and effects. They are fairly
simple and can be easily learned with practice.
Pitch (Right Stick Forward/Backward)
Moving the right control stick forward and backward will make the helicopter fly forward or backward.
When the right stick is pulled back, the Draganflyer will move backward. When the right stick is pushed
forward, the helicopter will move forward.
Roll (Right Stick Left/Right)
The right control stick, when moved left and right control the left and right motion of the helicopter,
called Roll. When the right control stick is moved to the right, the Draganflyer will tilt to the right.
When the right controls stick is moved to the left, the Draganflyer will tilt to the left.
Throttle Ascend/Descend (Left Stick Forward/Backward)
The Draganflyers throttle is controlled by moving the left control stick forward and backward. When the
control stick is pushed forward, all of the motors will increase in speed causing the helicopter to climb.
Pulling the control stick backward will decrease the speed of all of the motors and the Draganflyer will
Yaw Rotating Clockwise/Counterclockwise (Left Stick Left/Right)
The rudder control or yaw, as it is commonly called, will make the Draganflyer rotate or spin while re
maining at the same height above the ground. This motion is controlled by moving the left control stick
to the left and right. By moving the control stick to the left the Draganflyer will spin (yaw) to the left or
counterclockwise. Moving the control stick to the right will make the Draganflyer spin (yaw) right or
The Draganflyer is also programmed to have two separate flying modes, “training/video” and “active”
both of which have different characteristics. The training/video mode will have less responsive controls
making the flight smoother and less aggressive. When on active mode the Draganflyer is far more re
sponsive and agile allowing for more aggressive maneuvering. Switching between these two flight
modes is accomplished with a toggle switch located on the top right corner of the transmitter. The
Thermal intelligence feature on the Draganflyer is controlled by the toggle switch on the top left of the
transmitter. This switch will be labeled “thermal intelligence on / off”. See page 20 for more details.
The following pages provide a series of practice lessons.