impedance balancing circuit for optimum noise immunity. The pre-
amplifier has a cable drive capability of up to 100 m after the XLR-
connector (See Fig. 1 for pin designation).
All microphones come with an individual calibration chart of the
selfnoise, sensitivity and the individual frequency response.
The mechanical design
Types 4021, 4022 and 4023 are acoustically identical as are th e
4026, 4027 and 4028. They only differ in their mechanical design.
All Compact Cardioid Microphones are delivered with 5m of
extremely flexible, high quality microphone cable as standard.
The 4021 and 4027 cable is side-mounted on the microphone and
the 4022 and 4026 cable is rear-mounted. The 4023 and 4028 fea-
ture a triaxial Lemo-connector, for simple and safe atta c h m e n t
mounting of the microphones to DPA Compact Active Po l e s .
Important: The microphones will only operate within their
specifications if powered correctly.
Fig. 1. External view
of the output socket
of the standard 3-pin
XLR-connector used
in the Types 4021,
4022, 4023, 4026,
4027 and 4028.