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Loss of DMX512 signal
Upon loss of the DMX512 input, the DMX24DIM will begin fading all of its outputs to
zero. The fade out time is about 60 seconds from the loss of signal.
Maintenance and cleaning
The DMX24DIM’s fan intake on the front panel and the exhaust ports on the left side of
the enclosure should be cleaned periodically (see photos below). The frequency of
cleaning depends upon the working environment and the amount of time the dimmers
are running. Compressed air and a soft cloth should be used to remove excess dirt and
lint. Power to the DMX24DIM must be disconnected while cleaning.
Fan operation
The fan in the DMX24DIM will run any time any the level of any dimmer in the pack is
above 0%. The fan will continue to run for about 30 seconds after all dimmers are at