termination resistance
termination resistance
Unit #1
Unit #2
Unit #3
Unit #N
It can be weak on noise
Client RS485
Client RS485
Client RS485
Client RS485
It can be weak on noise
- Illustration of terminating resistance processing
No Good method : termination resistors processing in the middle of line
- Proper wiring of RS485 line
* Tip
Line connection method that branches line from No.1 starting from Master, to No.2 Client
starting from Master, and connect to No.3 Client branching again from No.2 is good for
noise and improving flowing status of signal. Otherwise, method that all Clients are
branched from Host may scatter the following situation of signal and it is no good for
debugging in some cases when produced problem.
termination resistance
termination resistance
Good method : termination resistors processing at both each end of line
Unit #1
Unit #2
Unit #3
Unit #N
RS485 Signal Converter AX7241 Manual