d. Note the water level. This is how much oil should be used.
e. Wash out the pot and allow it to dry completely.
i. Failure to dry pot may result in frying complications and injury.
What is the ideal oil temperature?
a. 325 to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
b. Heat-up time varies based on pot size, amount of oil used and weather conditions.
How long can I keep oil?
a. Refrigerated oil may be stored up to one year.
b. Non-refrigerated oil may be stored from three to six months.
How do I strain used oil?
a. Wait for oil to cool.
b. Dip a spouted container into the oil and gently pour into the original container.
c. Used oil and residue is at the bottom of the pot.
i. You may discard this oil.
1. Place in a container with a sealing lid and put with garbage.
2. Never discard oil in a sink or plumbing lines.
ii. You may also strain it with a funnel and cheese cloth.
Where does the thermometer go?
a. The thermometer goes on the pot’s side with the first inch submerged in oil.
b. The thermometer should not touch the actual food during cooking.
The thermometer needle stopped working. What happened?
a. The thermometer may be stuck in the poultry. If so, remove.
b. The thermometer may not be properly inserted into the frying oil.
i. Make sure the thermometer is submerged at least one inch.
c. The thermometer may be damaged.
i. Hold thermometer stem over an open flame.
ii. The needle should quickly move around the dial.
iii. If the needle does not move, the thermometer is damaged.