1.5 Recalling the memory data
After pushing first time the key [HOLD MAX MIN
AVE] the actual value will be hold on the top display
line (big display). Pushing again the key [HOLD MAX
MIN AVE], the saved maximum-, minimum and aver-
age value will be displayed in the bottom display line
(small display). Note for 2-channel instruments: First
the MAX-MIN-AVE-values of channel 1 will be dis-
played – afterwards the values of the channel 2 will
be displayed. Is there only one probe on a 2-channel
instrument we suggest to deactivate the channel
without probe (menu Chnl).
During the recall of the memory data the extremes
(MAX MIN) and the average value (AVE) will not be
calculated or carried on.
Clearing the memory (MAX MIN AVE)
Press [CLEAR] key once to erase the stored maxi-
mum, minimum and average from memory. On the
display appears
– After erasing the memory the
instrument automatically switches back to measur-
ing mode indicating the actual measured value again.
1.6 Measuring rate (FAST-mode)
Press [FAST/
]key once to change the measuring
rate. Now the measuring rate is app. 4 measure-
ments per second. Press [FAST/
] key again and the
instrument is back in the standard mode (1 measure-
ment per second).
In the fast mode the battery consumption is three
times higher than in the standard mode.
1.7 AUTO-OFF-function
dAoF = Disable Auto-off
EAoF = Enable Auto-off
Press [ESC/AUTO-OFF] key once. On the display
. Now the instrument switches off
automatically after app. 30 minutes. Press
[ESC/AUTO-OFF] key again. On the display appears
. Now the Auto-Off-function is deactivated.
1.8 Special-functions
(Ohm/Micro volt/Volt/Hertz-display)
If you want to get the shown value displayed accord-
ing to the basic units you will have to push, when
you switch on, the keys FAST and ON/OFF at the
same time for approximately 3 seconds till the next
basic unit appears:
DE P700 Anleitung engl. 12/11 06.12.2011 10:04 Uhr Seite 13