Dorset identification b.v. Reserves the rights to change
specifications without prior notice
3.1.3 Schematic overview of LID665BPv14 / LID665BPv20 relay outputs:
Use of jumper J11** &12
The two jumpers can be used in three different ways.
No jumper: External voltage can be applied to pin 1 of J20/J9 (Max. 125VAC, max. 1 Amp)
Jumper on 1-2: Vin LOW 5Vdc +/-5% is selected (Max. 50mA).
Jumper on 2-3: Vin High 7-24Vdc is selected
(Max. 400mA, with EID part number. PWS12V-1A 12V/1000mA).
Important note:
If you connect an inductive load like an electric lock or relay, there should be a free
running diode (like 1N400x type) mounted at the inductive load.