Sensory Sky
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Because small quantities of a fragrance are added to the
water emerging from SeNSORY SKY
, we are legally
obliged to inform you that the water that emerges from Sen-
sory Sky is not drinking water.
Water supply (HW + CW) 2x DN 20 – G1/2" to be connect-
ed via concealed rough for eVALVe (hand shower set).
The pipe diameter has to be adhered to for both pipes and
The following components (scope of delivery) have to be
positioned to be accessible at all times:
– 4 x Shut off for hot and cold water pipes (DN 20)
– 2 x Filter for hot and cold water pipes (DN 20)
– 2 x Backflow preventer Type BA according to eN
1717 for hot and cold water pipes
A pressure reducing valve and a main filter have to be pro-
vided by the customer (installed after the water meter).
A min. distance for a circulation pipe (DN 15) of 900 mm
from the eVALVe (hand shower set) is required if a hot water
circulation system is installed.
Calculate the piping according to DIN 1988, eN 806.
Pressure test (mandatory) the entire installation up to the
ceiling installation enclosure for rain panel including con-
cealed rough parts for eVALVe (hand shower set) with 1.5
times of the maximum operating pressure.
Please refer to the current pressure test guidelines depend-
ing on the pipe material used (e.g. eN 806-4 / DIN 1988-2).
Compile a test report.
The complete installation including the ceiling installation en-
closure for rain panel
and concealed rough parts for eVALVe
(hand shower set) has to be flushed with clean water, e.g.
eN 806-4 / DIN 1988-2).
Compile a flushing report.
Flushing has to occur prior to installing the trim installation
and initial start-up.
application area
The products are not meant to be used outside.
Consult with Dornbracht if you plan to use the product in
steam, chlorine or saline enviroments.
water hardness
Recommended water hardness: 5-6 °e.
If your water is harder, install a water softening system into
the feed pipes.
hot water storage
For the optimum choice of hot water storage device – taking
into consideration additional drawing-off points and parallel
usage – you need to assess the specific demand (e.g. ac-
cording to DIN 4708-2).
A thermostatic mixer as to be installed after the boiler if the
hot water temperature of the boiler is set to more than 60 °C.
A manual or automatic bypass if the thermostatic mixer has
be installed if regular thermal disinfection is required.
Continuous-flow water heaters cannot be used to supply
hot water for SeNSORY SKY
floor drain
A specific calculation that takes into consideration the flow
rate of all the outlet points in the shower is required for
optimum floor drain sizing (calculated according to
e.g. DIN 1986).
Recommendation: connected rating 1.5 l/s.,
drainage pipe DN 75.
Planning information
Zones of protection
Pre-wall installation