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Bench position:  A

Back rest position:  0

With the bench flat, lying on your back, grasp the bar from the cradle. The
handhold must be greater than the width of your shoulders. (Your arms and
forearms must make a 90° angle at mid-movement). Your head should be res-
ting on the bench. Your back should be completely flat. To avoid any arching
of the lumbar vertebrae, you can place your heels on the bench or pull your
knees in close to your chest.
Exercise : Inhale, while bringing the bar to your chest (without letting it rest
there), then press the bar up smoothly, while exhaling. Your elbows should be
wide apart (your arms and your torso should make a 90° angle).
Muscles worked: Pectorals, triceps, front of the shoulders.


D é v e l o p p é   c o u c h é   ( 1 , 2 , 3 )

Bench position: A

Back rest position: 0

Equipment: BM740, preacher curl bench.
Position : Sit down facing the preacher bench with your palms facing
upwards.  Place your elbows on the preacher bench.   
Exercise : Grip the handle and curl it towards your chest whilst exhaling.
Lower the handle whilst inhaling.  Your elbows and chest should not move
during the entire exercise.
Muscles worked: Biceps (arm flexors).


C U R L   b a r   ( 1 6 , 1 7 )

Equipment: BM740. A short dumbbell
Bench position:  A

Back rest position: 0

Same position as for the bench press. Grasp the short dumbbell with your 2
hands while checking that the iron plates are securely blocked by the collars.
Start with arms semi-extended, dumbbell above the chest.
Exercise : Inhale, expanding your rib cage, lower your arms behind your
head in such a way as to bring the dumbbell down to bench level. While
exhaling, raise the dumbbell up over the chest. The back should remain abso-
lutely flat and must not arch.
Muscles worked: Pectorals, triceps, latissimus dorsi muscles.

P u l l o v e r   ( 6 , 7 )

Bench position:  B

Back rest position: 1 or 2

This position also works the pectorals, but particularly the upper section of this

Bench position:  A

Back rest position: 0

Same position as for the bench press. Instead of grasping the bar, take a
short dumbbell in each hand. Start with arms extended (without locking the
elbows) above the chest.
Exercise : Inhale, open your arms up wide in such a way as to bring your
arms down to the level of your torso. Your elbows should remain slightly bent.
Don’t bring the dumbbells any lower than bench height so as not to strain the
shoulder joints. Then raise the dumbbells back up over your chest as you
Muscles worked: Pectorals, front of the shoulders.

I n c l i n e   p r e s s

Bench position:  A

Back rest position: -1

Same exercise while lowering the angle of the bench 
This position also works the pectorals, but especially the lower part of the

D e c l i n e   p r e s s

D u m b b e l l   p u s h   u p   ( 4 , 5 )


Position : Same as for the bench press.  Grasp the bar in the middle with
a tight grip (a handhold of roughly 20 cm)
Exercise : Bring the bar towards the front while inhaling. Lift the bar back
up while exhaling. Only the forearms should move. The elbows, the torso and
the arm should not participate in the movement.
Muscles worked: Triceps (arm extensors)

F r e n c h   p r e s s   ( 1 2 , 1 3 )

Equipment: BM740, a short dumbbell.
Position: Seated on the bench, with your back straight. Check that the
plates are securely blocked by the collars. Hold the dumbbell with both
Exercise : Bring the dumbbell down to the nape of your neck while inha-
ling. Then raise the dumbbell up over your head while exhaling.
Only the forearms should move. The elbows should not budge.
Muscles worked: Triceps

S e a t e d   e x t e n s i o n   ( 1 4 , 1 5 )

The basic exercises for harmoniously developing your muscle mass are described here.


Bench position:  A

Back rest position: 0

Position : Sit facing the pulley tower with your arms holding the T-bar with
a wide grip. 
Exercise : Pull the bar down to the nape of your neck whilst inhaling.
Slowly return to the starting position whilst exhaling, without resting the
weights.  Do not pull the bar further down than the nape of your neck.
Muscles worked:  latissimus dorsi, back of shoulders.

B e h i n d   n e c k   p u l l - d o w n s   ( 8 )

C h e s t   p u l l s     ( 9 )


Bench position: B

Back rest position: 0

Exercise : Hold the bar with a grip wider than the width of your shoulders.
Bring the bar down behind your neck whilst inhaling.  Breath out whilst
pushing the bar above your head, tensing your arms without completely loc-
king your elbows.
Muscles worked:  Outer deltoids

N e c k   d e v e l o p m e n t     ( 1 0 , 1 1 )


Bench position: A

Back rest position: 0

Equipment : BM740, iron plates to be placed on the leg developer.
Position : Seated, with the back perfectly straight. Adjust the leg developer
so the foam pads are at ankle level when the feet are placed behind the rol-
ler pads.
Exercise : As you exhale, extend the legs. Return to your starting position
without letting the weights fall. Do not completely lock your knees during the
Muscles worked : Quadriceps

Bench position: A

Back rest position: -1

Equipment : BM740, iron plates for the leg developer
Position : Flat on your stomach on the bench in the decline position. Adjust
the leg developer so that the roller pads are at ankle level, a close as possible
to the heel. 
Exercise : Raise your heel as close as you can to your buttocks. Return your
leg to the starting position without dropping the load. Your hips should not
budge during the movement.
Muscles worked : Hamstring

L e g   e x t e n s i o n s   ( 1 8 , 1 9 )

L e g   f l e x i n g   ( 2 0 , 2 1 )

Bench position: A

Back rest position: 0

WARNING: This exercise requires a minimum experience and a perfect
position to avoid risk of injury. If you haven't done this exercise before, seek
advice before beginning. Do not load too much weight on the bar.  If you are
not entirely sure of the position to adopt, do not do this exercise.  
You will also need a muscle belt to protect your lower back.
Position: Stand with your back to the squat rack. Hold the bar behind your
trapezius. The bar should rest on the base of your trapezius and not on the
nape of your neck.  Take one step forward. Your feet should be turned out
slightly and should be placed slightly wider apart than the width of your
Exercise: Inhale and squat, keeping your back and head erect. Your knees
should be slightly turned out and should not extend further than your feet
during the exercise. Once your thighs are horizontal, raise yourself up again
whilst exhaling. Do not completely lock your knees. Squat again whilst 
inhaling, then raise yourself again whilst breathing out.
Muscles worked: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes.

S q u a t s   ( 2 2 , 2 3 , 2 4 , 2 5 , 2 6 )

Position : Lying on the bench. The legs are bent at 90°and must remain
bent during the whole movement. 
Exercise : Bring your chest to your knees as you exhale. Return to the ini-
tial position. Your legs must always form a 90° angle (maximum) with your
Muscles worked : Rectus abdominus, specifically the upper part of the


U p p e r   A B S   ( 2 7 , 2 8 , 2 9 )

Position : Seated on the bench. The legs are bent and form a 90° angle
with the torso.
Exercise : Raise your knees to your chest as you exhale. Return to your star-
ting position, that is, with your legs making a maximum right angle with your
torso. Your legs should remain bent throughout the movement.

L o w e r   A B S   ( 3 0 , 3 1 )

Consult your doctor before starting an exercise program. This is particularly important for people over 35 or having 

had health problems before, anf if you have not been working out for a long time. Read all the instructions before use. 


Position : Same exercise as Behind Neck Pull-downs, but instead you pull
the bar down to the base of the front of the neck.  You can use a large or nar-
row grip, palms facing up or down.
Exercise : Keep your back straight whilst doing this exercise.  Your back
should not move backward or forward during this exercise.
Muscles worked:  latissimus dorsi, back of shoulders.
