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Dear client ,

All of our products are always submitted to a strict quality control before they are sold to you. 

Should you nevertheless experience problems with your device, we sincerely regret this.

In that case, we kindly request you to contact our customer service.

Our staff will gladly assist you.

+32 14 21 71 91                  [email protected]

Monday – Thursday: 8.30 – 12.00 and 13.00 – 17.00

Friday: 8.30 – 12.00 and 13.00 – 16.30

This appliance has a two year warranty period. During this period the manufacturer is responsible for 
any failures that are the direct result of construction failure. When these failures occur the appliance will 
be repaired or replaced if necessary. The warranty will not be valid when the damage to the appliance is 
caused by wrong use, not following the instructions or repairs executed by a third party. The guarantee is 
issued with the original till receipt. All parts, which are subject to wear, are excluded from the warranty.
If your device breaks down within the 2-year warranty period, you can return the device together with 
your receipt to the shop where you purchased it.
The guarantee on accessories and components that are liable to wear-and-tear is only 6 months.

The guarantee and responsibility of the supplier and manufacturer lapse automatically in the following 

 · If the instructions in this manual have not been followed.
 · In case of incorrect connection, e.g., electrical voltage that is too high.
 · In case of incorrect, rough or abnormal use.
 · In case of insufficient or incorrect maintenance.
 · In case of repairs or alterations to the device by the consumer or non-authorised third parties.
 · If the customer used parts or accessories that are not recommended or provided by the supplier / 



When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be taken, including the 

 · Read all instructions carefully. Keep this manual for future reference. 
 · Make sure all packaging materials and promotional stickers have been removed before using the 

appliance for the first time. Make sure children cannot play with the packaging materials.

 · This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as:

 · staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments;
 · farm houses;
 · by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments;
 · bed and breakfast type environments.

 · Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
 · This appliance can be used by children aged from 16 years and above and persons with reduced 

physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given 

Содержание DO9197LD

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Страница 2: ...n manual for future reference Lea detenidamente todas las instrucciones Conserve este manual para futura referencia Leggere con attenzione le istruzioni conservarle per future consultazioni P ed pou i...

Страница 3: ...n de winkel waar je het toestel hebt aangekocht De garantie op accessoires en onderdelen die onderhevig zijn aan slijtage bedraagt 6 maanden De garantie en verantwoordelijkheid aansprakelijkheid van d...

Страница 4: ...ns de lokale standaarden en normen Gebruik enkel de accessoires die meegeleverd worden bij het toestel Gebruik het toestel nooit wanneer de voedingskabel of stekker beschadigd is na een slechte werkin...

Страница 5: ...uik het toestel niet met warme vloeistoffen Het toestel is enkel geschikt voor koude vloeistoffen 5 Plaats het deksel van de infuser op de infuser 6 Steek de stekker in het stopcontact Druk op de aan...

Страница 6: ...Dit symbool op het product of op de verpakking wijst erop dat dit product niet als huishoudafval mag worden behandeld Het moet naar een plaats worden gebracht waar elektrische en elektronische appara...

Страница 7: ...n contraire brutale ou anormale Entretien insuffisant ou non conforme R paration ou modification de l appareil par le consommateur ou un tiers non autoris Utilisation d l ments ou d accessoires qui ne...

Страница 8: ...ue l appareil est lui m me endommag Portez dans ce cas l appareil au service apr s vente de DOMO ou au centre de services qualifi le plus proche pour contr le r paration ou modifications lectriques m...

Страница 9: ...ion ne d passez pas le niveau maximum N utilisez pas l appareil avec des liquides chauds L appareil convient aux liquides froids uniquement 5 Placez le couvercle de l infuseur sur celui ci 6 Branchez...

Страница 10: ...mbole sur le produit ou son emballage indique que ce produit ne peut tre trait comme d chet m nager Il doit plut t tre remis au point de ramassage concern se chargeant du recyclage du mat riel lectriq...

Страница 11: ...6 Monate Die Garantie und dieVerantwortung Haftung des Lieferanten und Herstellers entfallen automatisch in den folgenden F llen Bei Nichtbeachtung der Anweisungen in dieser Bedienungsanleitung Bei fa...

Страница 12: ...das Netzkabel oder der Stecker besch digt ist wenn es nicht richtig funktioniert oder besch digt ist Bringen Sie das Ger t in diesem Fall zur Durchsicht Reparatur oder f r elektrische mechanische Anp...

Страница 13: ...ei e Fl ssigkeiten Das Ger t ist nur f r kalte Fl ssigkeiten geeignet 5 Verschlie en Sie das Sieb mit dem dazugeh rigen Deckel f r das Sieb 6 Netzstecker in die Steckdose stecken Bet tigen Sie die Ein...

Страница 14: ...cht mehr verwenden ENTSORGEN Dieses Symbol auf dem Produkt oder seinerVerpackung weist darauf hin dass dieses Produkt nicht als normaler Haushaltsabfall zu behandeln ist sondern an einem Sammelpunkt f...

Страница 15: ...esponsibility of the supplier and manufacturer lapse automatically in the following cases If the instructions in this manual have not been followed In case of incorrect connection e g electrical volta...

Страница 16: the appliance Do not operate this appliance with a damaged cord or plug or in the event the appliance malfunctions or has been damaged in any manner Return the appliance to the DOMO Service Departm...

Страница 17: ...pitcher Do not use the appliance for hot fluids The appliance is only suitable for cold fluids 5 Put the lid of the infuser on the infuser 6 Put the plug in the socket Press the on off button to turn...

Страница 18: ...l on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste Instead it must be brought to the applicable collection point for recycling of electrical and ele...

Страница 19: ...e de que los ni os no puedan jugar con el material de embalaje Este aparato es adecuado para su uso en el mbito dom stico y entornos similares como Zona de cocina para el personal de tiendas oficinas...

Страница 20: ...ntaci n corto para evitar que personas u objetos se enreden en el mismo o se caigan NUNCA UTILICE EL APARATO CON UN CABLE ALARGADOR Desenrolle el cable de alimentaci n completamente para evitar el sob...

Страница 21: ...calientes El aparato solo es apto para l quidos fr os 5 Coloque la tapa del infusor en el infusor 6 Introduzca el enchufe en la toma de corriente Presione el bot n de encendido apagado para encender o...

Страница 22: ...en el producto o en el embalaje indica que este producto no puede ser tratado como residuo dom stico Se debe llevar a un lugar en el que se reciclan equipos el ctricos y electr nicos Si se asegura de...

Страница 23: ...ssicurarsi che i bambini non giochino con gli imballaggi Questo apparecchio destinato unicamente all uso domestico e in ambienti analoghi quali angoli cottura riservati al personale nei negozi negli u...

Страница 24: ...ppoggino o cadano NON UTILIZZARE MAI L APPARECCHIO CON UNA PROLUNGA Srotolare completamente il cavo di alimentazione per evitare che si surriscaldi Non lasciare mai il cavo appoggiato su una superfici...

Страница 25: ...ello massimo indicato Non utilizzare l apparecchio con liquidi caldi L apparecchio adatto solo per l uso con liquidi freddi 5 Mettere il coperchio sull infusore 6 Inserire la spina nella presa di corr...

Страница 26: ...confezione indica che esso non deve essere trattato come rifiuto domestico Deve al contrario essere conferito al punto di raccolta predisposto per il riciclo delle apparecchiature elettriche ed elett...

Страница 27: ...v servisn m st edisku firmy Domo elektro s r o Hlubok 147 34506 Kdyn viz www domo elektro cz tel 379 789 684 nebo na servis domo elektro cz tel 379 422 550 BEZPE NOSTN POKYNY P i pou v n jakk hokoli e...

Страница 28: ...p vodn kabel pod vodu jinak hroz raz el proudem Ujist te se e m te p stroj postaven na such m m st Nikdy se nedot kejte zmrzl n doby mokr ma rukama P vodn kabel je z m rn vyroben krat sni uje to rizik...

Страница 29: ...ou a nechte louhovat POZOR nikdy nep ekra ujte maxim ln vyzna en mno stv vody Tento p stroj nen ur en pro v dej hork n poj Do n doby nal vejte jen studen chladn n poje 5 N sledn uzav ete i s tko men m...

Страница 30: ...motat na spodn st z kladny kde je na to p ipraven prostor OHLED NA VOTN PROST ED Symbol na p stroji i na jeho obalu znamen e s t mto v robkem nen mo no nakl dat jako s b n m domovn m odpadem n br mus...

Страница 31: ...379 789 684 alebo na servis domo elektro cz tel 379 422 550 BEZPE NOSTN POKYNY Pri pou van jakk hokoli el spotrebi e dbajte na zv en opatrnos a dodr ujte ur it bezpe nostn pravidl Starostlivo si pre t...

Страница 32: mieste Nikdy sa nedot kajte zmrznut n doby mokr mi rukami Pr vodn k bel je z merne vyroben krat ia zni uje to riziko o jeho zakopnutia strhnutie pr stroja z pracovnej plochy Z toho d vodu NEPOU VAJ...

Страница 33: ...dov kocky ktor sa medzi ovoc m roztopia a n poj tie ochlad 3 Takto naplnen sitko vlo te do n doby skrze hlavnej veko n doby 4 N dobu napl te pitnou vodou a nechajte l hova POZOR nikdy neprekra ujte ma...

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Страница 35: ...35 DO9197LD www domo elektro be SK...

Страница 36: ...cessoires en onderdelen online via of scan hier COMMANDEZ d authentiques accessoires et pi ces Domo en ligne sur ou scannez ici BESTELLEN SIE die Domo Original Zubeh r und Ersatzteile online ber oder...
