: Never use this device to cook or defrost frozen food. All products that
that are used on the baking plates need to be entirely defrosted before turning the
device on.
: It’s possible a bit of smoke might develop the first time you turn this device
on. This is normal and will disappear after a while.
1. Before using the device for the first time, please clean it according to the chapter
called «cleaning and maintenance» (further along in the instruction manual).
2. Use the handle to open the device.
3. Make sure that both plates are clean before turning the device on. Plug the cord
into the socket. The device will now start warming up and the indication light will
shine orange.
: From now on, the device (the metal parts and baking plates) turns
very warm, so be aware to use heat-resistant oven mitts to avoid burn wounds.
4. After about five minutes, the plates have reached the right temperature as the
indication light turns green. As soon as this happens, you may use the device to
bake waffles.
5. Use the handle to lift up the top plate, after which you can use a wooden or heat-
resistant plastic spoon/spatula to spread the dough over the plate.
: Do not use any metal spoons/spatulas when using the plates, as they
can cause scratches. These scratches can damage the anti-stick coating.
temperature knob
indication light