Intended use
The solar system is intended to convert sunlight
into direct current (DC) to charge rechargeable
12 V batteries in vehicles or boats while driving or
supply them with a float voltage for power genera-
tion. The battery power can additionally be used as
a stable power supply to operate DC-powered
devices connected to the battery.
The solar system is suitable for:
• Installation on caravans and motor homes
• Stationary or mobile use
• Extreme operating conditions (expedition use)
• Wind speeds up to 225 km/h
The solar system is
suitable for:
• Mains operation
• Portable applications
The energy output of connected solar panels may
not exceed the maximum output stated in the tech-
nical data.
This product is only suitable for the intended pur-
pose and application in accordance with these
This manual provides information that is necessary
for proper installation and/or operation of the
product. Poor installation and/or improper operat-
ing or maintenance will result in unsatisfactory per-
formance and a possible failure.
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any injury
or damage to the product resulting from:
• Incorrect assembly or connection, including
excess voltage
• Incorrect maintenance or use of spare parts
other than original spare parts provided by the
• Alterations to the product without express per-
mission from the manufacturer
• Use for purposes other than those described in
this manual
Dometic reserves the right to change product
appearance and product specifications.
Technical description
The solar panels are particularly flat and bonded
directly to the vehicle roof. The solar panels can be
applied to slightly curved roof surfaces and can be
walked on.
The solar system can be extended by further solar
panels of the same power.
The solar charger is connected between the solar
panels and the battery to ensure the correct
charging current of the batteries and to protect the
batteries against over voltage and deep discharge.
Installing the solar system
Installation location
When selecting the installation location, consider
the following:
• The mounting surface must be even and stable
enough to support the solar panel.
• Ensure that the designated mounting surface is
sufficiently dimensioned.
• Ensure there is enough room to access the solar
panels and other fixed components for future
• Ensure not to block any existing ventilation
openings on the vehicle.
• Shading can reduce the performance of the
solar system. Ensure that fixed components,
such as air conditioners or opened satellite
antennas, do not shade the solar panels.
• Choose a location with direct sunlight for opti-
mal performance.
• Place several solar panels as close to each other
as possible.
• Do not glue the solar panels or roof ducts to rub-
berized surfaces (e.g. exterior planking), as the
adhesion of the glue is not guaranteed.
WARNING! Electrocution hazard
Completely cover all solar panels with an
opaque material during installation to
prevent electricity from being gener-