Quick Reference Guide CLK-1
If you are experiencing any problem with the CLK-1 the first thing to check is if the scanner operates correctly when connected directly to
the PC with an USB cable. Do so by plugging the USB cable that came with your scanner into your scanner and make sure the other end
of the USB cable goes directly into the PC (bypassing any present HUB).
If it does function properly continue at the check-list below, otherwise the problem is with your scanner itself, the USB cable or the PC
(USB port and/or driver(s)).
No power *1
Is the scanner firmly pressed into the docking station?
Are the cables working and properly connected?
Is the PC switched on?
No communication *1
Is the scanner fully charged?
Are the necessary scanner drivers properly installed?
Do the communication settings match between scanner and the PC?
Are there no other programs polling on the same COM-port?
*1 and if connected to a
powered USB hub
Is the power-supply of the USB hub plugged in?
Is one port on the USB hub failing, or are all ports faulty?
Is the USB cable securely fitted on both ends?
If you have any questions regarding the use of the DOKKi.eu CLK-1 docking station please contact your dealer.
Limited Warranty, Liability and Disclaimers
This Limited Warranty and Disclaimer extends only to products purchased directly from DOKKi.eu or a DOKKi.eu Authorized Dealer as
stated on our website (
Under no circumstance JNC will be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, or exemplary
damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, revenue, income, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses that
arise from use or inability to use the CLK-1, even if JNC has been informed about the possibility of such damages.
The DOKKi.eu CLK-1 is warranted for a period of one year after purchase, covering defects in material and workmanship. JNC will repair
or, at its opinion, replace products that prove to be defective in material or workmanship under proper use during the warranty period.
The warranty does not apply to defects resulting from (a) improper or inadequate maintenance measures taken; (b) interfacing parts or
supplies not supplied or authorised by JNC; (c) unauthorized modification or misuse; (d) operation outside the applicable environmental
parameter limits specified for the product; or (e) improper site preparation or maintenance for installation.
Outside The Netherlands, return the product to your dealer. Follow the instructions provided by your dealer.
DOKKi.eu is a trademark of JNC Service B.V. ('JNC'). Copyright JNC Service B.V. All rights reserved.
CLK-1_QRG-001 / June 2014