4. Convert Bike Trailer to Buggy
In case you purchased the DoggyRide Mini
stroller kit and you need to convert it from
trailer to buggy, please read the following
steps carefully.
4.1 Storage of the tow bar
The tow bar can be stored on the rear side
holder of the trailer. Push the tow bar into the
holder and firm it with the quick release pin.
Leaving the tow bar on the bicycle while it is
parked could result in injury in case someone
falls over it.
4.2 Install the front wheel
(See 2.1 install the front wheel and 2.2 about
the connection of it).
4.3 Install the tow bar
(See 2.3 about installation of tow bar).
4.4 Install the parking brake
(See 2.4 – install parking brake).
5. Convert Buggy to Trailer
In case you have purchased a DoggyRide
bike kit, please carefully read the following
5.1 Storage of the swivel wheel
The front wheel can be stored at the backside
of the trailer in the holder on the left side.
Push the front wheel tube into the holder with
the facing upward and towards the cabin. The
quick release can be pushed through the hole
in the holder to store the wheel during a
bicycle ride. Remove the front wheel from its
front position during a bicycle ride.
5.2 Install the tow bar
(Find section 3.1 about how to install the tow
5.3 Install the safety flag
(See section 3.5 about installation of safety