5. Notch Filters - These two filters are very narrow bandwidth
notch filters that can provide 24dB of attenuation at the select-
ed frequency. The x10 function allows you to change the range
of each notch (see the graph below). These filters are
“Disabled” by setting the depth control to the top (0dB cut).
These filters are used primarily for eliminating feedback or
hum from the P.A. or monitor systems.
6. Limiter - The limiter function features Automatic Variable
Ratio Limiting™. AVR Limiting behaves as a mild compressor
with a soft knee at low threshold settings, and a hard knee lim-
iter at higher threshold settings. This allows the limiter to func-
tion as a mild compressor or as a limiter for speaker protection.
The fast/slow speed switch affects both the attack and release
time. This gives enough variety for most situations. The gain
reduction meter displays the amount of gain reduction due to
7. Low Cut - A selectable low cut (high pass) filter that may
be switched in or out and has selectable rolloff frequency of 40
or 80Hz.
Notch 2
Notch 1
x10 ranges
standard range
R410 Manual 6/8/99 10:41 AM Page 4